Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is the "New World Order"? Overview

Not everyone is incredibly familiar with all the conspiracy theories out there and one in particular is not only my favorite to discuss, but is also a rather convincing theory concerning World Governance and a World Currency. I wanted to give a brief overview of the theory itself and it's points as it currently stands.


The New World Order is a move to a one-world totalitarian government and one-world currency. A secret society of globalist elites use existing organizations to influence and promote laws and precedents that would inevitably move all free nation-states to conforming to this New World Government through the use of threats, war, trade agreements, austerity/protectionist measures, religion, and cohersion.

Facts that Support the Formation of the New World Order

- The term "New World Order" was first used by Woodrow Wilson and Winston churchill during the era that saw the U.S. become the first nation to actively promote and encourage a more global economy, with the dollar becoming the accepted world currency for most international trades.

-Staged Revolutions was one of the predicted methods by which a New World Order would be achieved. We now see NATO, led by the U.S., taking an interest in volitile countries in the Middle East with a shocking rate of rebellion directly following news exposure in the U.S.

-All mainstream media in the U.S. and in many Eurozone countries is being controlled by only a handful of the wealthiest individuals in the world. In fact, the New York Times was just recently busted for printing CIA propaganda on the recent attacks in Norway.

-Recent allegations into the International Monetary Fund in collusion with the Federal Reserve has uncovered some shocking ties between the two organizations. Only just recently did Ben Bernake, Federal Reserve Chairman, admit that all 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the U.S. are wholly privitized. The International Monetary Fund chief is currently under investigation.


September 11th of 1990, President George H.W. Bush addressed a joint session of Congress to outline post-Cold War agenda of the New World Order:

"Until now, the world we've known has been a world divided - a world of barbed wire and concrete block, conflict, and cold war. Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a New World Order...A world where the United Nations, freed from Cold War stalemate, is poised to fullfill the historic vision of it's founders."

Shocking, isn't it?

We'll discuss the New World Order in more detail in other posts as there are tons and tons of varying theories and information out there! Now that you've got the idea down, you'll be amazed at how deep this "conspiracy" runs.

Conspiracy Theorists, UNITE!

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